T is for Training Episode 51 lands today at 2 pm eastern time.

Today we will be taping Episode 51! of the library training podcast T is for Training.  We will be taping at 2 pm eastern time today Friday July 16th!

We will discuss some stuff about social media day tweetups, and some other subjects you bring to the show.

T is for Training is supported by you the audience and our usual supporters LISHost, the library friendly hosting service ,the Library Society of the World and the ALA Learning Round Table, LearnRT, of the American Library Association (ALA).

Where and How? : The show’s address is here: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/24719 You can listen live by clicking on the show’s page. You can call in, listen to the stream, or come by and chat.

It is up to you, but please do come. If you want to participate with your voice on the call, you should probably join Talkshoe before the show. You can catch up with all of the episodes you may have missed by going to the Talkshoe either via the sidebar widget or via the web.

Keep up with us via: Our blog, Podcast Feed, ITunes Home, Friendfeed, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Google Group, or Twitter.

Go to the delicious page : http://delicious.com/tag/tisfortraining to see relevant links. Or Use Diigo and join the T is for Training Group there.

See you at 2 pm!

Author: (almost) Bald Trainer

A trainer in Maryland

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