@TisForTraining 283: Swallow That Firehose

41oaWeZR-8L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_ Sardek Love joined Paul Signorelli, Jill Hurst-Wahl, Tom Haymes,  and Maurice Coleman on the show. Sardek is the co-author of Speak for a Living, and describes himself as a performance consultant.  On LinkedIn, he releases advice every week (free video) through LinkedIn and the website AskAMasterFacilitator. We talked about virtual training, what happens when training is bloated with useless information, adult learning theory, the power of 3-5 steps, learning through failure, making content accessible, and much more…including a few laughs.

A book recommended during the podcast was Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words.

You can listen to the show on the TalkShoe website and through your favorite podcast provider.

@TisForTraining 282: The Funnel is Real

On the call were Alexandra (Alex) Almestica, Tom Haymes, Maurice Coleman, Paul Signorelli, Diane Huckabay, and Jill Hurst-Wahl. We began with Jill giving an overview of why she wrote five blog posts (below) on diversifying library staff. We then launched into a lively and informative conversation about diversity in the profession. We provided stories from our own lived experiences as we talked about this complex problem. We recognized the lack of data that could help us understand aspects of the problem, and why that data doesn’t exist.  In the end, we acknowledged that this is a problem that some just don’t understand. And if don’t understand it, you can’t address it.

You can listen to the show on Talkshoe and through your favorite podcast service. Our next show will be on March 25, 9 p.m. ET on Talkshoe.

The T is for Training Gang
