T is for Training 360 & 361 Double Feature

Ohhhh It’s a double note for a double episode post.

WE ARE OFF UNTIL JULY 11th. If you are at ALA in San Diego, find me and say HI. And hire me to do some work for you.

Also… Hi Jill!

Episode 360 Trust but Verify Because This Episode is Circular and Episode 361 Wave Your Freak Flag in Class. Those are links to the shows.

Mostly the same crew over different weeks Maurice, Paul, Tom, and Mark.

Jared joined us for 360.

360 was about divides, engines, stuff, discussions and fun. Don’t remember much after that.

361 started with an article about simplifying our message to increase understanding.  9 Learning Principles to Simplify Employee Training.

Taking away to increase comprehension.

Some simple things are complicated to explain clearly.

Lee LeFever’s book The Art of Explanation, Dan Roam’s The Back of the Napkin Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures and Thing Explainer by Randall Munroe were mentioned.

Show Commentary:

Shoving it down their throat with a Fire Hose

Wave Your Freak Flag in Class

Learning is a process not an event.

I gave up teaching the complex.

Consistent Short burst training sessions.

Evaluation hunting.

Reminders and follow-up tasks.

It would work if they turned on their computers.

Target Rich Environment.

Cory Doctorow Enshittification

Tom says he occasionally needs a kick in the head.

The Ouch Method.

Author: (almost) Bald Trainer

A trainer in Maryland

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