T is For Training 359 – Exploration Rarely Fits the Curriculum

Talkshoe had some issues Thursday Night, so Paul was gracious enough to host a Zoom recording of the show.

Here is the page on Talkshoe where you can find the playback and a link to download.

Maurice, Paul, Tom, Mark, Diane H. and Jared discussed the importance of experience and travel in learning. The task of creating a place where exploration and knowledge are more important than random metrics is not easy, but necessary for all involved to get the best and longer lasting result of the interaction.

There were a few links:
https://www.chronicle.com/article/its-not-all-about-the-money Paywalled, but…

Young People and Information – A Manifesto

Jared suggested we seek out Jose Monkey and Globe Daters on TikTok.

See you all in just under two weeks on May 30th at 9 eastern.